Minister Pfister, Lord Mayor Schuster, Erich Strather, and please give my
best wishes to Heidemarie, members of the Pakiv Foundation, Schaworalle,
and most especially Dr. Heuss.
Let me thank you and your colleagues in the Heuss Foundation, Christian
Petry from the Freudenberg Foundation, and Michael Klett for the great
honor that you have done me in awarding me this prize.
It is a prize which I accept not just for myself because I was the leader
of an organization for some ten years without which I could have done
nothing. And so let me accept this in the name of myself and my colleagues
at the World Bank who have really done so much in bringing about the
objectives that we are working for together. And I must say that I am
thrilled to see so familiar faces in the front row here whom I missed for
the last twelve months while I have been dealing with the
Israel-Palestine-Situation. And I can only tell you if there is anything
more difficult than the Roma situation it is the
Israel-Palestine-Situation. So, if you want to feel good, come with me
some time and maybe you will feel better.
The opportunity that I have today to say a few words to you about the
issues which I found in confronting the Roma question is a real one. But
before I get to that I also want to acknowledge my friend George Soros who
financially was able to help us dramatically in our work. George,
Hungarian of origin, was very familiar with the issues of the Roma people
and, frankly, without him we would not have the financial resources to
build the over 40 million Dollars that we needed to launch our activities.
I had the opportunity, as I am sure you would imagine, reading something
about Theodor Heuss, your grandfather. And that story itself is a
wonderful story and to have a prize which bears his name is truly an honor.
Looking at his background and his own efforts to break down prejudice, to
bring about equity, to bring about social justice and to lead this nation
out of war into a period not only of peace but of high moral and ethical
values is truly an achievement of a great man. And I am really proud to
have this acknowledgement in his name.
But let me bring you back to today because I have been thinking about this
speech for two weeks. And I took some clippings from the press and two
things in the last six weeks have happened that really struck me.
The first is the decision in your own country to release the files of 17
Million people affected during the Holocaust of whom only too many came
from the Roma people with probably 500.000 members killed during that
dreadful period. I have to say that I think this is an extraordinary
courageous and important move by your government. And I really hope that
this will give us an opportunity not only to get behind us the analysis
but to really build something on which we can move forward together with
greater understanding.
And the second thing that has happened in this last period, some of you
may or may not have seen it, is extraordinarily troubling in terms of the
negative side of the issues which are before us. It is the decision taken
by the European Court of Human Rights just in March, March 10th, in which
the Court decided, and let me read some of this to you, that as a quote a
nearly automatic placement of Roma children in dead end schools for the
mentally handicapped was addressed by 18 Czech Roma families. And they
took it to the Court and they said to the Court: “This is not fair that
because of our ethnic origins we should be put into schools of not only
disadvantaged but mentally handicapped people”. And on looking into it the
Czech government estimated that 75% of Roma children go to these schools
and that 90% of the children in Czech mental schools are also Roma. This
defies statistical evaluation. It is an extraordinary example of prejudice
which, as I have studied now, not only applies to the Czech Republic but
goes through the countries which are hosts to the Roma people. And I hope
that this decision as the chairman of the Court suggested will go on
appeal but it is just amazing that in our time decisions like this can be
put down by European Courts with straight face, saying there is no
prejudice. I find it killing in terms of the current situation that we in
a prosperous Europe should be looking at this as a decision with which we
can live and which gets barely a footnote in the newspaper.
These are some of the current issues. But in 1999, after I had been
President of the Bank for, I guess, four years, I had the opportunity of
going with my wife Elaine to Macedonia. And I heard of the issues of the
Roma. To me I regret to say the issues of Roma were conjured up by the
image of violin playing, of rustic scenes. I had a good image because in
Australia were I grew up we were only allowed to see good images just to
about everything. That’s why we are so free and easy and positive. But
nonetheless when I looked into the issues with this remarkable woman
Asvijin Memadowa, and we went to Kosovo together, I came upon the reality
of the Roma situation. And this reality is not something that we can deal
with in a single meeting important as this is. Or a single decision by the
European governments to participate. Or the total funding over 10 years of
43 Million Dollars to deal with the question of 10 million people. Maybe
that is 25 cents a person. In terms of the educational needs of at least a
million young kids I think it works out at less than a dollar a year that
is made available. This is tampering with the issue. This is addressing
our conscience without addressing the substance. This is to make us feel
good without completely doing good. And it is a step forward because we
recognize that this issue is on the table. But it is also an issue of lack
of understanding and lack of trust. It is not just an issue of the
Non-Roma people working on the subject. It is an issue which I discussed
with my Roma friends of the Roma community when coming together. And I see
some smiles so I guess you know what I mean. In terms of reaching out also
and of taking the responsibility in forming partnerships which over
centuries we have not been used to doing. And your parents would have told
you no doubt that it doesn’t work. And for them, they have heard it before.
But we have to deal with this problem, with this issue now. In Europe you
will have 10 Million people of Roma and Sinti origin. You will have 5
Million in the European community, 2% of the community, and growing
exponentially. Some estimates put the number of Roma kids in European
schools by 2015 in between 10 - 15%. As a declining population in the
general community is counterbalanced by an increasing population in the
Roma community. This is not something that can be pushed under the rug.
This is something that is real. It is something that is human but it is
also something we can do something about. And a wonderful thing is that in
this lecture with many of you in the audience, all of you were coming
knowing that this is the subject. That there is an awakening awareness,
that this issue of 2% of Europe can not be pushed under the rug any longer.
And it is not just a question of equity for Roma which in itself would be
a good reason to do it. It’s an issue of stability for the whole community.
These are not people who are behind a wall. These are not people who have
no impact on the rest of society. Any more than the non-Roma do not impact
the Roma. This is a community. And we can not think of our distinctions
between Roma and non-Roma when we are trying to create a positive, an
equitable environment moving forward. It is a matter of self-interest and
it is a matter of values. It is a matter of belief. And what are we doing?
We have a situation where Roma are ten times more likely to live in
poverty than their neighbors. We have 1 in 10 Roma children attending
preschool. 1 in 10! When all the educational evidence suggests that for
human development of our children preschool is the most important time. We
are learning this in Germany, we are learning it in the United States and
1 in 10 Roma child has the opportunity of going to preschool. 50-80
percent of Roma in countries of Central Europe study in schools intended
for mentally and physically handicapped. Can you imagine that? 50-80%! Can
you imagine your children being in that situation? Roma parents can’t send
their kids to school in many cases because they don’t have shoes and they
don’t have school supplies.
Having been in the poverty business for 10 years I’m not making crazy
statements to you to win attention. This is the fact. This is the fact in
Europe today. It’s not in Central Africa; it is your neighbors down the
street. And yet, for me before 1999 - and I believe not since - but for me
before 1999 and before my period in the Bank the Roma issue to me was
something I saw on television or something that I didn’t have to worry
about because it was just another issue and it was a sad issue but you
didn’t have to worry about it.
The extraordinary thing also is that the Roma have a life expectancy 10-15
years less than the rest of the community that surrounds them. And in most
of the places you go there isn’t adequate water, there isn’t adequate
electricity and there isn’t adequate power.
I am not saying this to be condescending or to draw attention particularly
at friends here, many of whom I know to be at the cutting edge and
educated. But the leaders of the Roma community, the people that are here
and people I have been privileged to know have a job on their hands which
they cannot solve without a partnership with the rest of the community. It
is impossible!
We raised, as I said, over 40 Million Dollars last year after two meetings
that we had, one in June/July in Budapest and the second one in Sofia with
eight or nine Prime Ministers and Presidents. And we are spending at the
rate, since that was for ten years, at the moment of 2-3 million Dollars a
year. 2-3 million Dollars a year for 10 Million people. That is 20 Cents a
person. Maybe 30 Cents a person. And we feel good because we have a Roma
Education Fund, and we now got an office and we have a staff. It is
trivial. It is a self to one’s conscience. But it is not the issue. The
issue here is one of historic antagonisms, of historic distrust over
centuries and the reality that the world is now rich enough that we should
be able to deal with issues like this. If we could have 5 Million Dollars
more, twice what we are now getting in extra funding from our work we
could address the issues of education and health care and at least look at
the question of housing and of natural supplies. That is a trivial amount
of money for the issues that are before us. We should get five wealthy
people here, in the states and in any other place to put up a million each
year for five years. It would be done like that if we could get the
leadership. Maybe the government, maybe you can set up the first million
and get people to come with you. Because what needs to happen now is not
the recognition of the issue. It is to take action in a concentrated and
coherent and long term basis. This is not a rush of blood to the head to
make you feel good. It will not be solved for the rush of blood to the
head at a few press conferences. This is a deep problem involving
prejudice, involving disadvantage, but also involving opportunity. And it
is an issue of morality, it is an issue of what is right and, for those of
you in the audience that are my age, it is responsibility for our children.
We cannot let the next generation believe that 10 Million people, growing
exponentially, can wander around disadvantaged with no hope and think that
there will be peace or consider that there is equity and social justice.
It is impossible. And for my friends in the Roma community, if we are able
to reach out there is a need also for the Roma leadership to respond with
honesty, with frankness and also with continuity in terms of addressing
these issues not as recipients of charity but as partners. It is not
surprising that that trust does not exist. But we have to grasp the decade
of the Roams to bring that about. We have to be able to talk to each other
and discuss key issues in the same room. Not running off to have coffee
each of us and then coming back with a state of position. We have to
develop this sort of intimacy and understanding. Because this issue is
truly an issue which unites us. You cannot have 2 and then 3 and then 4 %
of the population falling behind and have a morally sustainable state or a
peaceful state. You cannot have it.
So I congratulate the foundation for recognizing this issue and I want to
say to Dr. Heuss how enormously grateful I am for the opportunity of
representing my colleagues in the World Bank and others interested in this
issue to be recognized by you. And I am extraordinarily grateful to do it
in the company of the two other organizations that will receive prices
But we have to focus on the issues of education, employment, health and
housing and we have to take these issues seriously and we have to take it
not just in one meeting of the foundation but over the next decade.
A meeting like this is fabulous. It’s useless if it doesn’t carry on for
the next 10 years. And so I thank you for bringing attention to this issue.
I thank you very much for the honor you have done me and I look forward
while I still have the energy and flow in my body to participating in
trying to make this issue one that we can resolve and about we all can be
Thank you so much.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Mein Name ist Sabine Ernst. Ich bin die Leiterin der Kindertagesstätte
Schaworalle des Fördervereins Roma in Frankfurt am Main.
Daß unsere Arbeit heute mit einer Medaille der Theodor-Heuss Stiftung
geehrt wird, betrachten wir als große Anerkennung und Wertschätzung, über
die wir uns sehr freuen und für die wir uns zunächst sehr herzlich
bedanken möchten.
Ich stelle ihnen kurz die hier anwesenden Kollegen vor:
Frau Eleonora Caldaras und Herr Adrian Adam sind pädagogische Mitarbeiter
in Schaworalle, Herr Joachim Brenner ist der Geschäftsführer des
Fördervereins Roma.
Nun zu Schaworalle:
Wie ist Schaworalle entstanden?
Die Kindertagesstätte Schaworalle (Romanes „Hallo Kinder“) ist
mittlerweile eine Ganztageseinrichtung für Romakinder im Alter von drei
bis sechzehn Jahren, mit Kindergarten, integriertem Schulprojekt,
Hausaufgabenhilfe und vielseitigem Freizeitprogramm. Die meisten Kinder
kommen aus Rumänien.
Schaworalle ist nicht theoretisch entstanden, sondern entwickelte sich
Baustein für Baustein. Begonnen hat alles im Oktober 1996, also vor knapp
zehn Jahren.
Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit waren rumänische Romakinder auf Frankfurts
Straßen, die als Bettelkinder, durch Diebstähle etc. aufgefallen sind.
Die Beratungsarbeit des Fördervereins Roma, in der ich ein Jahr tätig war,
und die Mitarbeit eines Romamitarbeiters schafften den nötigen
Vertrauensvorschuss. Auf der Straße, bei Familienbesuchen und in der
Beratung sprachen wir die Kinder an. Wir mieteten Räume für vormittags in
einem Kinderhaus im Frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel. Schnell entwickelte sich
der Vormittag zur Unterrichtszeit, der „kleinen Schule“. Unsere
Zielvorstellung war die schnelle begleitete Einschulung in die
Regelschule. Am Nachmittag versuchten wir, „unsere Kinder“ in das
multinationale Gefüge des Internationalen Kinderhauses zu integrieren.
Beides war zu kurz gedacht.
So entstand der Wunsch nach einem eigenen Haus, um ganztags, intensiv und
vor allem auch mit mehr Kindern altersübergreifend arbeiten zu können.
Das Frankfurter Stadtschulamt machte die regelhafte Finanzierung einer
Kindertagesstätte, zunächst für 40 Kinder möglich. Diese sichere
Finanzierung war und ist ausschlaggebend für die nachhaltige Wirkung
unserer Arbeit! Die Elternentgelte und Essensgelder übernimmt pauschal das
Jugend- und Sozialamt.
1999 zogen wir provisorisch in eine ehemalige amerikanische Kita am
Innenstadtrand, die wir mit den Kindern und Eltern selbst renovierten.
2000 wurde seitens des Staatlichen Schulamtes die erste Lehrerstelle
2002 bezogen wir dann schließlich die jetzigen Räume in der Frankfurter
Wie sieht es in Schaworalle heute aus?
Heute betreuen wir in Schaworalle täglich bis zu siebzig Kinder. Die
Kindergartengruppe umfasst 25 Kinder, die regelmäßig von den Familien
gebracht werden. Für den Unterricht, der täglich von 9 – 13 Uhr
stattfindet sind über Kooperationsschulen (eine Grundschule, eine
Hauptschule) zwei Lehrer vom Staatlichen Schulamt abgeordnet. Zudem
unterstützt eine Sonderschullehrerin die Arbeit mit acht Wochenstunden. Es
gibt drei Schulgruppen:
• Grundstufe, 6 - 11 Jahre, 30 Kinder
• Mittelstufe, 11 – 13 Jahre (15 Kinder)
• Hauptstufe, 14 – 16 Jahre. 15 Jugendliche
Innerhalb der Hauptstufe gibt es eine Gruppe von 5 Jugendlichen, die sich
auf den Hauptschulabschluß vorbereit.
Unterricht in „Schaworalle“ wird nicht nur von den Lehrern gestaltet. Die
Teams der Gruppen bestehen aus den ausgebildeten Lehrern, Romamitarbeitern
und Sozial- oder Diplompädagogen. Der Unterricht versteht sich als
niedrigschwelliges qualifiziertes Bildungsangebot. Wichtig hierbei sind
uns differenzierter Unterricht, Kleingruppen- und Einzelförderung,
Einbeziehung der Muttersprache, Computergestütztes Lernen und die
Möglichkeit eines qualifizierten Schulabschlusses. Ein Ziel ist natürlich
immer noch die begleitete Einschulung in die Regelschule.
Um 13 Uhr gibt es Mittagessen, das täglich von einer rumänischen Romni
frisch gekocht wird.
Zum Mittagessen kommen diejenigen hinzu, die die Regelschule besuchen, im
Moment sind dies 13 Kinder. Ab 13.30 gibt es Hausaufgabenhilfe und ein
vielseitiges altersübergreifendes Freizeitprogramm. Bildung heißt eben
nicht nur Schule, sondern es uns wichtig, den Kindern jenseits aller
familiären Sorgen, die Möglichkeit zu geben, „Kind zu sein“. Hierzu
gehören auch Ferienprogramme, Feste und die alljährliche Kinderfreizeit.
Voraussetzung für all dies ist ein pädagogisches Denken, das sich am
Gemeinwesen der Roma orientiert, die intensive Eltern- bzw. Familienarbeit
und die gleichberechtigte Zusammenarbeit von Roma und Nicht-Roma. Gerade
bei den Kindern, die die Regelschule besuchen, ist die Vermittlungsarbeit
zwischen Schule und Elternhaus von zentraler Bedeutung. Elternarbeit
findet in Schaworalle nicht in Form von Elternabenden oder speziellen
Elterngesprächen statt. Eltern sind in Schaworalle immer anwesend.
Eleonora Caldaras, PÄDAGOGISCHE
MITARBEITERIN in "schaworalle"
Die gleichberechtigte Zusammenarbeit von Roma und Nicht-Roma ist von
großer Bedeutung für die Arbeit. Wir als muttersprachliche
MitarbeiterInnen sind Vorbilder für die Kinder und Jugendlichen, schaffen
Vertrauen, auch bei den Familien, vermitteln Sicherheit und bieten den
Kindern die Möglichkeit, über Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse zu sprechen, die
zu unserem Leben als Roma gehören..
Adrian Adam, Pädagogischer
MITARBEITER in "schaworalle"
Es ist wichtig, dass die Arbeit mit Roma von der konkreten Lebenssituation
und den Erfahrung der Roma ausgeht. Die Hilfe bei existentiellen Problemen
wie Aufenthalt, Unterkunft, Gesundheit und Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts
bilden auch die Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche pädagogische Arbeit.
Genauso wichtig sind Akzeptanz, der Aufbau von Vertrauen und der Respekt
voreinander. In diesem Zusammenhang kommt Kultur, Tradition, Identität und
Lebenserfahrung der Roma sowie den unterschiedlichen Lebensentwürfen jedes
Einzelnen eine bedeutende Rolle zu.
joachim brenner, geschäftsführer des förderverein roma, Ffm
Mein Name ist Joachim Brenner. Ich bin der Geschäftsführer des
Förderverein Roma. Auch meinerseits nochmals recht herzlichen Dank für die
Verleihung der Theodor Heuss Medaille an unsere Kindertagesstätte
Der Förderverein Roma ist seit 16 Jahren in den Bereichen
Bürgerrechtsarbeit, Beratung, Information und pädagogische Arbeit tätig.
Der Verein ist auf Initiative von Menschenrechtlern, Sozialarbeiterinnen,
Lehrerinnen und engagierten Leuten, die alle der Auffassung waren, dass
man organisiert besser gegen die Diskriminierung und den Rassismus
gegenüber Roma vorgehen kann, entstanden. Neben der Kita Schaworalle sind
wir Träger des bundesweit einzigen Berufsbildungsprojektes für jugendliche
Roma, wir sind aktiv in der ambulanten sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe
und gestalten unterschiedliche Dokumentations- und Fortbildungsangebote.
Mittlerweile verfügen wir auch über ein kleines, aber feines Archiv an
Für den Förderverein Roma hat die Verleihung der Theodor Heuss Medaille
über die Wertschätzung der pädagogischen Arbeit in Schaworalle hinaus
große Bedeutung.
Im Gegensatz zur Kita, die nicht zuletzt wegen des Engagements von
Vertretern des Stadtschulamtes Frankfurter am Main sowie des Jugend- und
Sozialamtes gesetzlich finanziert ist - an dieser Stelle nochmals
herzlichen Dank an Herrn Dr. Neumann und Herrn Dr. Hubert – unterliegen
alle anderen Aktivitäten des Vereins und hier sei insbesondere das
Berufsbildungsprojekt genannt, kurzen und prekären Finanzierungsplänen.
Planungssicherheit, Kontinuität der pädagogischen Arbeit stehen so ständig
zur Disposition. Ich denke, die Theodor Heuss Medaille zeichnet seriöse,
sensible, professionelle wie erfolgreiche Arbeit aus und wird unsere
notwendige Akquise von Drittmitteln mit Sicherheit positiv beeinflussen.
Zum anderen und mit diesem zentralen Punkt möchte ich schließen, bestätigt
die Verleihung der Theodor Heuss Medaille und damit auch der Kreis derer,
die Preis und Medaille vor uns erhalten haben, den Verein und alle
UnterstützerInnen darin, uns weiterhin neben dem Engagement gegen
Rassismus und Antisemitismus – eine Grundvoraussetzung jeder vernünftigen
pädagogischen Arbeit - gegen die Abschiebung von Roma-Flüchtlingen in
Perspektivlosigkeit, Marginalisierung und soziales Elend einzusetzen. Die
Ausweisung von Roma, deren Lebensmittelpunkt seit Jahren in Deutschland
liegt, konterkariert auf dramatische Weise alle noch so konstruktiven
Aktivitäten der Betroffnen. Das öffentliche Engagement für ein Bleiberecht
ist deshalb notwendiger denn je.
Vielen Dank.